Privacy policy (Legislative Decree No.196, Article 13 of 30th June 2003)

Processing owners

The processing owners of your details are: Camping La Sfinge S.r.l.- Localita' Gea - 19013 Deiva Marina - SP PEC: - REA: SP - 122038 - Partita IVA 01356400117 - Capitale Sociale: 10.000 and Mediawest S.r.l. - Largo Folconi, 3/25 - 17100 Savona (SV)

The processor of data

The data processor of your data is the pro tempore human resources and organization chief of: Camping La Sfinge S.r.l.- Localita' Gea - 19013 Deiva Marina - SP PEC: - REA: SP - 122038 - Partita IVA 01356400117 - Capitale Sociale: 10.000